DJI Inspire 1 ND Neutral Density Filters

DJI Inspire 1 ND Neutral Density Filters

DJI Inspire 1 ND Neutral Density Filter from SRP








If you’re serious about filming or photographing with your DJI Inspire 1 quadcopter then at some point you’ll probably need to use a filter of some description.

Neutral Density filters reduce or eliminate the effects of rolling shutter, such as the jello effect and prop blur.  In high vibration environments like a quadcopter platform, the video commonly appears to be shot through a bowl of clear jello.

An ND filter slows down the automatic shutter speed by reducing the amount of light that the camera detects.  This will significantly reduce the jello effect. ND filters come in different levels of light reduction.  Darker ND filters should be used on brighter days (i.e. ND8) and less dark ND filters are used on moderately bright days (i.e. ND4).  Experimenting with different filters in different light conditions is the best way to determine which filter is right.

Prop blur refers to the artifacts that commonly occur when filming a propeller or rotor using a stock camera.  The propeller often is fragmented and is not what’s seen by the operator in real life.  An ND filter used in these situations slows down the shutter speed and reduces or eliminates these artifacts.  Again, this reduction depends on the ND filter rating and the lighting conditions.  Experimentation is recommended to select the optimal ND filter.

At Hobby Mounts we stock a range of high quality ND filters from SRP (Snake River Prototyping) and other manufacturers like PolarPro.

Take a look at the full range of ND Neutral Density Filters by click the following link…

DJI Inspire 1 ND Neutral Density Filters


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